Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Are you afraid of being ripped off ??????

How many times have you found what you think is a great deal on a hotel, airline ticket, etc.
And just because you have never heard of the company or the person you talked to, They didn't give you that warm fuzzy feeling, or maybe they did and you were scared off. Well you should be!
Let me tell you about this poor little old lady from somewhere up there... where you live, in one of those cold places ...she talked to this nice young southern girl with the warm accent  asking  $1700.00 for Christmas week at the Marriott Oahu, mmmmm something should have told her this deal was  to good to be true!
So then she calls me, tells me the story, and now I'm trying to give her and her husband that special first trip in a life time that they have worked so hard for on a meager budget !
There are really good people  out there, that will find you a really good deal, but you have to be smart to !
If you want something for nothing then you probably will get nothing and get  ripped off either, by a sub par accommodation or theft of your  hard earned dollars. Taking some necessary steps will protect you and save you money.
1. DO NOT send money by wire transfer (people do it !) USE PAYPAL
2 .be sure to get all info about the resort
IE a confirmation number within the first 24hrs if not then call pay-pal immediately they will start the investigation process, paying on your credit card is good. You can cancel the charge if you are not getting what you have paid for or have been promised . We Can go on and on. 
The bottom line is if you take time you will get great deals just watch out for the one.THAT IS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE  .
all for now Hawaii Bob

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